Monday, October 8, 2012


  Sup duders. Had a good ole time at interbike this year. got to see a bunch of buds that I don't usually get to see! Stuffed my babes car with all our crap and drove out for the party. I left with some Bonedeth prototype 48spoke wheels to test out and so far there kickin ass. Love me some Vegas!

 Since coming back I went out to Tahachapi CA and filmed with Dean and Kosman. I was the certified crane operator for our advanced zipline and glide cam filming techniques. We filmed Cameron White and Ben Wallace doin some dirt blasters out there for two days and had some fun. 

I'll be out in Austin for Odysseys Texas Toast jam in a few days so until I get back heres some photo goodies of my travels and a trailer for a good ole Sci Fi movie. I also recommend the 80s remake of 'Not of This Earth'. Suck it.

- dirtron

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